In 2008, life took a very different turn. I was surprised to read that I was far from alone; it seems that as many as 1 in 4 Brits experience mental health problems each year. It took me by surprise; one day I was going about my life as normal and the next I had to face the fact that I had gone into a deep low. Looking back, I can guess what caused it. I had broken up with a man who I was very much in love with, my granny had passed away and my business wasn’t as successful as I would have liked it to be. I avoided seeing friends and family because I didn’t want them to know; I was ashamed.
Luckily, I am not one to dwell in this kind of state. I quickly began searching. I spent a great deal of time in bookshops reading all the personal development books that I could get my hands on. Each time I passed through Leicester square, I found myself in Watkins Spiritual bookshop; some days I would buy books, other days I purchased Angel cards and sometimes I went to have my tarot cards read. All of this helped a little, but I was still a long way from that light at the end of the tunnel. Over the months that followed, I went on dates, I worked, I started studying Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and I discovered Spiritual Church. I just kept busy and looked in every direction I could for happiness and hope.