Tony and myself are great believers in helping others: our own individual clients and friends, but also strangers on the tube or in the street. We both give our money and time to causes and people we believe in. This year, along with our friend Jenny, we have chosen to support Parkinson’s UK, as we all have had family members affected by the disease.
Our first major fundraising event, Part4Parkinsons (August) was a huge success. Local businesses were extremely generous, and we gave away over £6,000 worth of gifts during our raffle and auction, raising over £3,000 in the process! A few days ago we also ran a Spinathon at Gymbox Covent Garden: 3 hours of cycling earned us £300 in loose change from the endorphin-full gym-goers. And our next event, Quiz4Parkinsons on Thursday the 11th of October, already promises to be an evening to remember.
Wherever we have been going, everyone has been extremely generous. Whoever said that Charity was dead, has not been out lately: we have been overwhelmed by everyone’s response. The donations have kept coming; from our contacts, clients, friends and families, but also from strangers and people we have met on the street. Love is all around us: no matter whether gay, straight, male, female, we are all the same deep down. And we all enjoy giving to others.
With only a few weeks to go, we are stepping up our training and are spending time on the bike every day. As I write this, Jenny and Tony are braving the cold, rain and downright misery of the weather to cycle to Windsor and back as part of their training. Luckily for us it promises to be fantastic weather in Vietnam and Cambodia!
With only a few weeks to go, we would love your help and support in achieving our fundraising goal, and making our dream a reality. To donate online, you may visit our Virgin Money Giving page. You may also donate via text: send a message to 70070, with the code VELV67 followed by your amount (£1 to £5 or £10.)
And for those of you that have already donated, we thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts.
Quiz4Parkinsons will be held on Thursday the 11th of October at The Crown Pub, on New Oxford Street, between 6pm and 10pm (Quiz starts at 7.30pm). Tickets are £10 at the door, and you may either come as a team of 4, or let us allocate you to a (hopefully winning) team.
Together we can make a difference!
Love and Health
Will – September 2012