Let me start with my favourite quote:
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~Dalai Lama
Personally, I don't I don’t dwell on things I can’t control, I have realistic expectations of myself, I've learned overtime that trying to change things or situations presented to me from the outside world including people is futile, and overtime I’ve come to appreciate some of my flaws and simply choose to live my best life and be present in the moment. But sometimes, melancholy finds me. Like a thick fog that threatens to shroud a picturesque skyline, it creeps up seemingly out of nowhere until I can no longer ignore it, after all i tell myself enjoy it.
Beating the post-holiday blahs happens to even the most enthusiastic, devoted, successful entrepreneur. It's Tuesday, Easter bank holiday already behind us, and for most of you in spite of your best efforts, you have lost momentum and are off your game.
It’s a well-known fact that the holidays bring on the blues. According to the National Mental Health Association, reasons for feeling blue around the holidays range from fatigue to financial limitations to tensions in personal relationships.
What an we do coping with work after coming back off holidays? There is a lot to deal once the time of calmness, relaxing, eating, feeling free passes, we have to deal with our mental clutter, our fears, relationship problems, social and family demands, and all de deadlines at work, the e-mails , the meetings, etc.
You go into your office, you stare at the pile of work, the unanswered emails, the phone calls you know you need to make and it all looks so overwhelming. The rush of the holidays, out-of-town guests, extreme highs or lows in business volume and suddenly, you are behind in everything. Worse yet, you aren't really motivated to get started again. Many of us half-heartedly begin with something and then quit early and feel lousy about ourselves.
But going to back to work after a long vacation is never really easy. It takes an iron hand to drag you out of your bed in the morning of Monday. So here are the tips that I hope could help you motivate yourself to go back to work with a positive attitude.
Admit it, you don’t want to go to work…
It has been the longest day-off so far. Your mind is still anchored on Easter Bank Holiday, and you refuse to believe that Tuesday is back to reality. No matter how workaholic you are, you still value time for a break, either for a week or several days. We deserve and our body and mind needs a break from time to time to re charge, reflect and rest. If you continue to adhere or attach to your work 24/7 you’ll never succeed. We need a hiatus or hibernation for us to get another supply of energy and detoxify ourselves from stress, pollution and negative vibes.
But, as I have done it many times in the past, I’ve learned not to let all the above take over, personally I have adopted one belief to help me with this: for every problem in my life there is a great solution and during that journey of finding it i am going to be playful, curious and be happy that the opportunity was presented to me to learn and experience life. Like everything else in life it’s not easy to do at first but, as always, a little effort goes a long way, practice makes perfect.
Here are my 12 Secrets to get yourself back in the groove, excited again about your work, business, or simply your day to day life.
By doing this you are in the state of allowing of free flow of energy throughout your body.
Secret # 2. Admit that you aren't motivated and that it is OK to feel that way.
Sometimes, admitting that we feel negatively about our business can move the blockade of inertia. Everyone loses steam sometimes, why not you? You are human and constant effort with no break or slowdown is just unrealistic. Make a mental note that this is going to happen from time to time in the lifetime of your business and that you will have strategies for dealing with it the next time it happens. And it WILL happen.
Secret #3.Talk about how you are feeling.
Talking with an understanding listener can help get perspective on what is going on. IS this a real crisis, or just a temporary dip in energy and enthusiasm? You don't want to go whining to just anybody; pick another person who may have experienced the same thing and has come through it themselves. You will probably find that you are not alone in this feeling and hearing about the experiences of others will help you.
Secret # 3. Take a nap.
Power nap do wonders to your body, mind and your spirit, take 10-20 minutes break, go in the park or simply if you have no where else to go, every office has a toilet, get yourself in a cubicle in the toilet, put your ipod on, set your alarm 20 the amount of time you wish to rest, and enjoy. You will go back to your desk calm, peaceful and energised.
Secret # 4. Cry it out.
It’s cleansing, it brings a sense of relief and it releases stress hormones that can cause serious damage to brain cells.
Secret # 5. Think about your favourite things
Your mind and emotions respond to your thoughts, think good ones.
Secret # 6. Practice yoga or do any kind of exercise.
There are many places around your work environment where they do lunch time Yoga, places to meditate, have a PT Session, Homeopathy Session, or check a local healer who works from home. I have many clients in Pimlico who simply give me a call on lunch time asking for a Reiki session, or meditation session.
Secret #7. Retreat.
Be at peace with silence and limit outside stimuli.
Secret #8 If you have a webmail access to your office emails, try to check before you sleep. This can give you a feel of ‘get back to work’ mindset. This will make you aware of the pending works and necessary tasks that need to be done and to get yourself out of the vacation mode. This will also help you determine if there is an urgent thing to be done immediately when you return so that you won’t get surprised when you open your inbox the moment you arrived in the office.
Secret # 9. Review your most powerful "why."
Take time to remember why you got into this business. Go back to the beginning when you were planning how this would be a way for you to express your creativity, be your own boss, and make a difference in the world.
Whatever it was, get back there and relive those memories of excitement, hope and anticipation. Remember that the world needs you and what you have to contribute.
Secret #10. Commit to your most powerful action that will have the greatest effect.
Close the door, sit down at your desk or computer, turn off the phone and look at your planner and list of things to do. You know that there is ONE thing that if you do it, it will make a huge difference in your business and getting you back on track.
Pick the smallest, easiest thing that will make the most impact. Set a timer if you need to, but begin to work on that one thing. Making the decision about what is important and then moving on it, is the most motivating action you can do.
Secret #11. Acknowledge your accomplishments.
Take time to notice where you have been successful in the last several months. Chances are there are many wins, successes and gains that you have overlooked. Looking at your business in terms of successes rather than failures may be just the boost you need.
I would also encourage you to explore the benefits and resources available through the Arizona Small Business Association. Visit asba.com to view the opportunities available to make money, save money and amplify your voice in the coming year.
Don't be overly concerned about dips in motivation. All humans wax and wane in our ability to be at the top of our game.
With knowledge, perspective and careful strategies we can smooth over the low points and recover faster with less angst and guilt.
Secret #12. Its mother nature, Survival!
No matter how tough it is, think about this – you need to work to survive. Find the inspiration again – are you working to save money for a new car or to pay for a rent? Are you working because you need to pay your debts or to help in your household expenses? Are you aiming for an extra income for you to spend in your next holiday vacation? Remember our mind is very powerful, it can make us think of lazy thoughts so the best way to counter this is find that goal or inspiration again.
At last, no point of spending your time in reading this blog if you are going about life the way you did before you read this blog, take action and adopt at least 4 of the above secrets and see how your holiday blues shift. Prepare yourself mentally and physically, one of the best ways to do this is get yourself a Life Coach and a Personal Trainer to keep you mentally, emotionally and physically on track, I am in the habit of booking my personal trainer and fitness coach Will Pike, not only he is loving, professional but also knows how to keep me motivated on the gym floor.
How about instead of telling yourself that you feel the holiday blues, you instead trained your brain through repetitive affirmations that 'My life is a blank canvas, i am creator of my reality, my emotions, my experiences, my feelings and my happiness'. Evaluate what feelings come up with that new statement? Good ones hopefully :)
The messages that we send to ourselves can be the difference between a good day and a not so good day, and many of the problems that we think we are having are simply thoughts - not events that have occurred yet.
As a Teacher of inner wisdom, clarity and living a life from place of Love I wholeheartedly believe in positive thinking and affirmations. So much so, that I created and teach four core workshops that take you on a journey of self discover, empowerment and removing the clutter that creates the space to create a mindset of "I Can.
My next weekend workshop Fear2Freedom 20/21 April will help you understand and overcome your deepest fears hat hold you back from creating the life of your own design.
I would love for everyone to be able to correct negative thinking, and replace these thoughts with happy, positive ones, therefore if you are ready to take your life at the next level get in touch.
Inspiring You to feel things deeply from Your heart, with kindness and compassion
Tony J Selimi
Teacher of Inner Wisdom, Intuitive Coach, & Chakra Healer
The Velvet Journey & HealOneSelf