It really is is simple, in this article i will share with you my secrets on how i created the success, freedom and lifestyle i now enjoy. Just like everything else in life, it starts with making a decision to be successful and have a great relationship with money energy, once you have made that quantum jump in your mind, you will start to attract the right people, the right resources, and the right opportunities to make this happen. Have trust in yourself, and let the flow of this energy embody you.
I used to work in IT, few years ago i realised there was so much more i wanted to do and bring into this world. I made the decision to embrace my true gifts and start working with a range of individuals who were experiencing lack of self confidence, direction, and had no clarity on where they wanted to be or go in life. I founded The Velvet Journey to help men who experience issues that resulted from lack of self confidence, bullying, rejection, and deep rooted limited beliefs. I planned the vision two years before and once i started to put all the energy into this vision the successes followed, more and more i was attracting men that needed my help to overcome their personal and business issues.
To take my success to the next level, recently i started an entrepreneurial program called "Become Key Person of Influence KPI" founded by Daniel Priestly to help me be be a Key Person Of Influence" through this process Tony J Selimi Transformational Coaching was born and i am in process of writing my book, creating T.J.'S Method and a 12 week coaching program to help you access "Your inner Google" so that you too can do a quantum leap to a successful life.
Let me share with you my four tips that will help you accelerate your success.
In 1993 i came to London with no money, no job, no friends, no future. What i knew for sure was that everyone around me had 24 hours a day, I realized time is a precious and limited commodity of which we all are given in equal measure. Think about it, everybody gets twenty four hours per more, no less... what i started to realize is that success is also determined by what we do with our time.
It matters not how much money you have or don't have, how educated you are, what your social
position still get only twenty four hours a day. You cant buy, beg, borrow or steal another
one minute. What we do with those twenty four hours is not entirely up to us, of course.
We all have obligations that must be met each day. We have jobs that provide us with necessary
income, a certain amount of time is required for eating and sleeping and our relationships require
some amount of time each day but the entire twenty four are not all spoken for.
These are the few hours each day that we can use as we want to use them. What we decide to do with them will mostly determine how successful or unsuccessful we will be in life.
I challenge you to ask yourself how do you spend all of your "unspoken for hours" on the couch in front of the TV eating chips and drinking coke, in five years you will still be doing the same boring job.
Some of those free hours if, used to learn new things or to try different things, could mean that
in a short amount of time we would have better jobs, better relationships or even better health.
That seems like a good idea but i am always asked where, when and how does one begin?
Step 1: Make a decision, then write down what you want to achieve next 6 months, one year, 3 and 5 years. Create a timeline on when each thing you want is coming into your life.
Step 2: If what you wrote looks daunting to you, ask for help, sometimes you might have to pay for it, sometimes you might get it for free. If you try an re-invent the wheel, you are just wasting that valuable resource that you have, time. I run various workshops to help you in this journey as well as i have a range of Transformational Life Coaching Programs available that are customised to suit your individual needs. "Live Your Life, Live Your Purpose" is a yearly coaching program to take you from zero to hero, to find out more click Here!
One thing to keep in mind, there's a big difference between spending money and investing money. Any time you spend some money on learning something that will take you closer to what you want, that's investment!
Step 3: Make time for the activities and actions that will bring you closer to your set goals. Set aside a certain amount of hours each week to work on your goal, and stick to it.
Step 4: Be present, live in the present, ensure your language is in the present. Start by believing that you already are having it, start by doing a vision board and do creative visualisation techniques every day.
Start partnering up with people who support your success, vision and who believe in you. Success will come much faster when you don't waste your time trying to do it all on your own.
I encourage you to come along to "Love 2 Be" weekend workshop and learn about what being You truly means and why is it important to your success, I invite you to come along, to book early bird tickets click here!
Come along and gain some deep insights on who you truly are, let me take you on an inner journey so that you can learn to know yourself better, learn tools to deal with life's day to day challenges and how to gain greater control of your life so that you too can start living your best life.
Book Now for Early Bird Tickets, only few remaining!
Be the magnificent you and stay happy always,
Tony J Selimi, Founder of The Velvet Journey, Tony J Selimi Transformational Life Coaching & HealOneSelf. Author, Transformational Life Coach, Chakra Healer, Reiki Master, Motivational Speaker, Life Artist and Teacher of Inner Wisdom.
© London 2013.