What do I mean Journey Within? Let me start with one of my favourite quotes from Dalai Lama: " The transformational transparent conversations we record offer you the opportunity to listen to powerful dialogues full of life wisdom and insights from all my guests which support and empower you to embrace change and move through your fears to experience new perspectives, new ways of seeing and engaging with the world."
In 2008 I went through massive changes in my life, personal as well as professional life. Having been made redundant i spent some time to think, evaluate my life and the direction i wanted to take. I noticed within myself that I was predominately functioning from a foundation of lies and fear. I realised that I was lying to me, my family about the man i was, i was living in fear about being truthful about who i was. I was living two worlds, in one i was the "straight loving son" and in the other " i was the gay man living and enjoying life to the fullest", because of my fear i created two separate personalities each requiring a lot of energy to manage.
A journey within is about connecting to the full essence of what it means to be a human being. It’s about taking responsibility to look within yourself and inquire into the deepest questions you have about your unique indescribable gift of life. It’s about truth and no longer upholding lies within and without.
When we observe within we often notice we are functioning from unconscious actions and using old operating systems in the way we view the world. It’s not easy reprogramming conditioned habits and addictions. It’s not easy taking responsibility for our actions.
I love nothing more than transparently sharing the insights I have picked up through direct experience to support others to thrive and blossom while I know this serves the evolution of humanity.
Everything we want to see change on the outside of ourselves, whether that be pain and suffering, our relationship to life, relationships to family and friends, War, government decisions, animal cruelty, poverty and dis-ease. There first has to be an inner transformation. This transformation requires observation, inquiry, dedication and perseverance. It requires us to see we are all that we are witnessing. We are society, not separate from it. It’s a life path.
The journey is more than worth it. There is no end result, so be mindful not to get attached to that false idea.......the journey is the destination..
To realise your gift of life and to share it with the world, to celebrate your existence, to love unconditionally, to let go of past and future, to let go of the incessant craving for fame and fortune, to let go of competing constantly to be more because you are conditioned to believe you are not enough. To dance now and embrace the mystery of life and live as the living breathing miracle you are. To let go of even thinking you have something to let go or hold onto....to embrace death and life as one.........
I would say an inner journey is more than worth the curiosity wouldn’t you?
Don’t take these words as truth. Journey within to find out for yourself. What is your truth? You need no book, leader, religion, organisation or guru to show you truth. Speak YOUR truth.
There are many platforms, many videos, so much information from so many people. Tune into YOU and trust YOUR intuition we are constantly getting the mirror we need to learn and grow.
when you are transparent you experience the world as it is. It’s only lies which hold us back.
When we hold nothing back, we have nothing to lose, when we have nothing to lose we are free.
Free to love, Free to serve, Free to dance, Free to speak, Free to listen, Free to write, Free to paint, Free to accept, Free to create, Free to be.
Are you free within? Lets Journey through conversations and liberate ourselves transparently.
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- share with the world and lets all evolve through transparent conversation....
This is an era when truth deserves it time to shine. Learn more: If this is you, you can benefit from my Intuitive Deeper Coaching and my breakthrough method TJ'S Method get in touch now. Together we can make a difference!
Helping you become healthy, wealthy and wise. To your joy, success and happiness,
Tony J Selimi
Intuitive Coaching
The Velvet Journey
Transformational Life Coach, Energy Healer, Author, Speaker & Teacher of Inner Wisdom.